Monday 28 June 2010

Juneathon: Day 28

Into the last few days of Juneathon and just a "quick" 5k run tonight, along the railway line which was heavily populated with cyclists (why do they never move over? why is it always me who has to move over?), back up the road (a longish hill, much huffing and puffing - I knew there was a bus stop at the top of the hill and kept seeing bus stops up ahead and thinking I was nearly there, but hadn't realised there were also so many decoy bus stops along the way) and along past the allotments to home. Hardly saw a soul except the cyclists and a man with a dog who gave me a funny look, and who can blame him really. Fab Audiofuel Juneathon mix kept me going for most of the way, then a quick blast of the Jam and that was that.

Distance: 3.19 miles
Time: 30:31
  • 9:52
  • 9:50
  • 9:12
  • 1:37
Average pace: 9:34

Total Juneathon distance run so far: 110.83 miles
Total Juneathon running time so far: 18:09:23
Juneathon days completed: 28/30
Average running pace over month: 9:50

1 comment:

  1. 111 miles holy smoking trainers, way to go sister! That performance must put you in with a hot chance t win. Fingers crossed you've done great! respect, Sean from AudioFuel
