Friday 25 June 2010

Juneathon: Day 25

Very small window of running opportunity today due to husband coming home from work and promptly going out again to a leaving do, so given the limited time available I decided to do something I have vaguely thought of doing for a while and see how fast I can run a single mile. I suppose you could call it a time trial except that that would sound rather too professional. So I did a rather inadequate warm-up consisting of jogging slowly up the hill, then started my Garmin and set off along the old railway line at what felt like a fast pace. I rapidly noticed that (a) I was running at 7-minute mile pace, and (b) this was distinctly too fast for comfort. (How do people run long distances at that pace or faster? How?) So I slowed down a bit, though still pushing myself, breathing hard, etc, ran along the railway line to the bridge, down the path past the allotments (where my name is on the waiting list and probably will remain there for the rest of my life) and home along the main road, and did the first mile in 8:11 (7.34mph), which is not that amazingly fast I know but is a record for me. Felt absolutely knackered at the end, though.

Distance: 1.39 miles
Time: 11:22
Splits: 8:11, 3:11
Average pace: 8:11

Juneathon distance run so far: 96.4 miles
Juneathon running time so far: 15:50:23
Juneathon days completed: 25/30
Average pace over month: 9:52

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