Tuesday 25 January 2011

Core strength

I’ve been forced to conclude that I don’t have any. Well, not much. Well, none, basically. I know this is bad. I just haven’t made much effort with it up to now. For the last couple of days I’ve been doing planks till I’m blue in the face (literally, almost) and I can hold them for a bit longer before collapsing in a quivering heap, though still not for long at all (I think 30 agonising seconds is my record so far, which is an improvement on the 5 seconds I managed the first time I tried) but blimey, they hurt. I think it’s doing me good, though. Even now, sitting at my desk, I can feel my stomach muscles aching, so something must be happening there.

Maybe it’s time to dig out and maybe even remove the plastic wrapper from the Core Fusion DVD I bought, er, over a year ago.

Weird treadmill run last night. Felt as if I was working really hard (and my HRM concurred) but only covered just over 3 miles in just over 30 minutes. Maybe they’ve changed the calibration of the treadmill. Or maybe, and admittedly this is the more likely explanation, I’m just knackered.

On the plus side, I’ve now done over 100 miles in January.

Day 24 stats:

Distance: 3.06 miles
Time: 30:08
Average pace: 9:50
Total Janathon miles so far: 102.27


  1. Congratulations on passing the 100 mile mark, amazing! :-) Aren't planks awful?! I tend to go bright red in the face and end up looking like my face might pop any minute!!

  2. welcome to the hundred club! Well done! When I was going to the gym lots I used to do this move called the wood chop.. check it out!
